A downloadable Walking Simulator for Windows


Ascent is a first-person horror walking simulator. 

Playing as Azura Aniel, ex-founder of world-changing pharmaceutical company Vitafeild. With her sister, they rose to fame curing the population of physical and mental diseases. However, not all was as it seemed with Lilith. 

Ruthless in her endless ambitions, Lilith drove Vitafield’s rise to prosperity into lies and deceit using immoral human experimentation. Horrified Azura left leaving Lilith to continue her work.

 Years pasted and Azura moved on.

 Vitafeild escalated into open war within the facility and a bloodbath ensued. News of the devastation of Vitafeild reached Azura and now she must return to face her past demons to find her sister. But things are not the same as they once were. Vitafeild has developed in a ‘cult-like laboratory’ seeking to ascend beyond humanity and into a form far superior to mankind. 

Scared for her sister’s humanity Azura needs to find her sister and help her break free from this malevolent ideology.


  • Embedded environmental storytelling providing an immersive experience. 
  • Interactivity of story-based quests and collectible items which provide narrative elements
  • Varied environments to explore with horror and religious inspiration elements 
  • Average Session about 40mins



  • Intel i5 CPU
  • 8GB RAM 
  • NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB
  • 6GB free hard drive space


This game was produced by Descent Games 

Beren Attoe - 

  • Comment Writer 
  • File Writer

Cameron Berry - https://www.artstation.com/nameless47

  • Prop Artist
  • Material Artist

Josh Coppinger - https://www.artstation.com/ethalthehusky

  • Lead Environment Artist
  • Concept Artist
  • 2D Artist
  • Prop Artist
  • Material Artist
  • VFX Artist
  • Lead Programmer 
  • Level Designer
  • Terminal Writer
  • File Writer
  • Animator
  • UI Artist
  • GIT Admin

Use of:

  • Science Laboratory by SilverTm
  • Nature Package by SilverTm 
  • Lucy A Christian Angel Statue Free 3D model, anavriN
  • Freesound Library 
  • Quixel
  • Substance Share
  • FesliyanStudios, “It Is Comming"
  • thaFlux, “Synth Ambient Pack” 
  • Games Academy, Falmouth University
  • Made in Unreal


Ascent Game Link


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It's a bit rough around the edges, but it reminds me a lot of Moons of Madness. The biggest issue is the amount of pickups, as after so many it became a chore to get them since some are necessary to progress while others are lore.

Also Tony is best, and deserves a good home.

Thank you for playing our demo. 

Loved watching your video and your feedback is welcome. There is some key point which you raised such as the amount of pickup items that we will defiantly want to look at. Furthermore we are a team of 3 for a university project however we would love to add some threat in the future. None of us specialise as programers (2 artists and a writer) so it will take a while to look into this. :)

For your peace fo mind the real Tony is alive and safe. 

While the game is fairly well made, there's not much to do within the game even as a walking sim. The game just dumps you into a ruined company and you have to go searching for keycards and collectables. 

I kinda wish there was more environment based interaction with the player. (i.e Player sees brief glimpse of the monster, Player sees several people trapped as the dangerous gas leaks, etc).

 Another thing with the collectables is that there's too much of them. I'd recommend sticking with the soda pops as the collectable since it seems to make the most sense.

It's a decent start for sure. It just needs a bit more time to iron out some of the kinks.

Here's my channel for other games I have played. http://www.youtube.com/c/Levont

Thank you for reviewing our Walking Simulator Game, we love watching videos of people playing through the map. We defiantly want to look into your feedback regarding more interactions and less to pick up. 

We at Descent Games would love to have a threat of some kind added into the game. However as this was for a university demo and we are only 2 Artists and 1 Writer we need a little more time to look into this in the future. 

Thank you for your feedback :)

Can not exit the first computer you interact with :D

Hi, if you press the E key it should let you out. :)